The Division of Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) was created to consolidate child abuse prevention and juvenile delinquency prevention and early intervention programs within the jurisdiction of a single state agency. Consolidation of these programs is intended to eliminate fragmentation and duplication of contracted prevention and early intervention services for at-risk children, youth, and families:
Community Youth Development (CYD) - The CYD program contracts with community-based organizations to develop juvenile delinquency prevention programs in ZIP codes with high juvenile crime rates. Approaches used by communities to prevent delinquency have included mentoring, youth employment programs, career preparation, youth leadership development and recreational activities. Communities prioritize and fund specific prevention services according to local needs. CYD services are available in 15 targeted Texas ZIP codes.
Family and Youth Success Program (FAYS) (formerly Services to At-Risk Youth (STAR)) - The FAYS program contracts with community agencies to offer family crisis intervention counseling, short- term emergency respite care, and individual and family counseling. Youth up to age 17 and their families are eligible if they experience conflict at home, truancy or delinquency, or a youth who runs away from home. FAYS services are available in all 254 Texas counties. Each FAYS contractor also provides universal child abuse prevention services, ranging from local media campaigns to informational brochures and parenting classes.
Statewide Youth Services Network (SYSN) - The SYSN program contracts provide community and evidence-based juvenile delinquency prevention programs focused on youth ages 10 through 17, in each DFPS region.
NOTE: For FY15, as a result of a new procurement, the overall number of youth served decreased however the service requirements were enhanced with additional programmatic components.
Data as of December 11, 2024.