This file contains a list of taxpayers required to report mixed beverage sales tax reports under Tax Code Chapter 183, Subchapter B-1. The list provides taxpayer names, amounts reported, and other public information.
The Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers' Compensation (DWC) maintains a database of health care providers with current maximum medical improvement (MMI) and designated doctor certifications in Texas. This list includes doctors’ certification periods, phone numbers, and fax numbers.
2017 Daily Handle and Commissions by Track Code & Signal Type provided to TxRC.
NOTE: All figures are based on data available at the time the report was compiled and are subject to being audited and revised.
The Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers' Compensation (DWC) maintains a database of health care providers with current maximum medical improvement (MMI) and designated doctor certifications in Texas. This list includes doctors’ certification periods, phone numbers, fax numbers, and addresses.
2017 Daily purses paid by Texas pari-mutuel racetracks as reported to TxRC. All figures are based on information available to TxRC at the time the data was compiled and are subject to being audited and revised.