This Data set contains detailed information about Day Care and/ or Residential Care Operation that is displayed on the Public site. The Operation ID is a unique key that ties to the other data sets for Child Care Licensing data
This data set has information about Inspections, Investigations, Assessments done at each Day care and/or Residential Care Operation. The Operation ID can be used to link the records to the operation details in the HHSC CCL Operations Data set
This Data set contains all the non-compliance detail information for the specific section evaluated. The Operation ID, Activity ID and Section ID can be used to link back to the Activity records, Activity Section record, and Operation record files.
This file contains information for all Cigarette/Tobacco Cigarette and Tobacco Distributors, Manufacturers, Wholesalers, and Importers with an active permit.
This data set contains the list of sections evaluated along with number of standards evaluated and violated in each section for activities (inspections, investigations and assessments) done in each operation. The Operation ID and Activity ID can be used to link back to the HHSC CCL Inspection / Investigation / Assessment Dataset and HHSC CCL Operations Dataset.
This file contains a list of organizations that have been issued a determination letter and are therefore eligible to apply for local property tax exemptions.