The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) regulates the state’s insurance industry and oversees the administration of the Texas workers’ compensation system. This data set includes counts for confirmed complaints and policies in force by company name and line of coverage. The complaint index is calculated by dividing the company's percentage of complaints for a specific line of insurance by the company's percentage of policies in force for the same line of insurance. The average index is 1.00. A number less than 1 indicates fewer complaints than average. A number greater than 1 indicates more complaints than average. Please visit TDI Complaints: All Data for details about processed complaints.
This report shows jurisdictions adopting new or changed sales tax rates. The rates shown are for each jurisdiction and do not represent the total rate in the area.
Individuals currently licensed by the Texas Racing Commission as of 12/21/2021. Foreign addresses are not included in this dataset. Please contact TxRC for further information.
Delivery certificates issued for Petroleum Storage Tanks (PSTs) which authorize petroleum deliveries. Information including facility numbers, owner information, and expiration dates are available for both registered and self-certified PSTs.