Count of Contracting Entities (CEs) approved at one time to sponsor School Nutrition Program meal sites for 2020-2021. Data is based on SNP Contacts and Program Participation for Program Year 2020-2021.
Total SBP Breakfasts, NSLP lunches, and ASCP snacks served for program year 2016-2017. Meal counts are based on approved claims submitted for meal reimbursement.
Count of day care home providers approved to participate in CACFP for 2020-2021. May include providers that cancelled participation after initial approval. Provider count is based on CE's Application Effective Date for program year.
Count of Summer Meal Program sponsors (Contracting Entities -CEs) approved for 2021-2022. OperationStartDate for SSO sponsors reflect the start of their 2021-2022 school year and not their summer operations.
Total breakfast, lunch, supper, and snacks served by CACFP Day Care Homes in Program Year 2017-2018. Data based on approved claims for meal reimbursement.
Count of CEs approved to operate Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) or Seamless Summer Option (SSO) for 2024. May include CEs that have cancelled participation after initial approval. CE count is based on Operational Start Date.