This project is part of a larger plan to transfer commonly requested TJJD data onto the Texas Open Data Portal. This will allow for greater efficiency in sharing publicly available information and answering Public Information Requests (PIRs). Average Daily Population (ADP) data provides the daily population of specific TJJD locations of the following types: Institutions, Halfway Houses, Contract Services, Orientation and Assessment, Parole, Other Parole (Out of State Parole) and Interstate Compact.
There are two levels of measurement of ADP on this data set. The first, titled MTD ADP (Month to Date), provides a month to month population count; it does NOT take into account the previous month's population count. Each month's population count is specific to that month.
The second, titled YTD ADP (Year to Date), provides a rolling average of ADP; it includes the previous month's population and averages it out with that month's population count.
Lastly, both Calendar Years (CY) and Fiscal Years (FY) are provided on this data set. TJJD’s fiscal year starts in September and ends in August of the following year.