The county and region of the workers are determined by the office to which they are assigned.
Adult Protective Services (APS):
APS Investigations employees protect people age 65 and older and adults with disabilities from abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation by investigating and providing or arranging for services necessary to alleviate or prevent further maltreatment.
Child Protective Investigations (CPI/CCI):
Counts the number of active CPI and CPS staff on the last day of the fiscal year by staff type and demographics.
Child Care Investigations (CCI), which is a part of CPI and include Day Care Investigations (DCI) and Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) are only available from 2018 onward. This is due to the split of those job functions from Child Care Licensing, which was a part of DFPS until 2017, when it was transferred to the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC).
Statewide Intake (SWI):
Statewide Intake (SWI) serves as the “front door to the front line” for all DFPS programs. As the central point of contact for reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation of vulnerable Texans. SWI staff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. Prior to FY2018, all SWI staff were located in the Austin area.
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