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Total breakfast, lunch, supper, and snacks served by Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) participants operating as Day Care Homes for program year 2021-2022.
November 7 2023
About the Dataset
This data set contains claims information for meal reimbursement for CACFP participating as Day Care Homes for the program year 2022-2023. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
This data set contains claims information for meal reimbursement for CACFP participating as Day Care Homes for the program year 2022-2023. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
This dataset only includes claims submitted by CACFP sites participating as Day Care Homes. Sites can participate in multiple CACFP sub-programs. For reimbursement data on CACFP participants operating as Day Care Homes, Child Care Centers, At-Risk Child Care Centers, Head Start Centers, emergency shelters, or centers providing care for students outside school hours, please refer to the corresponding “Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP) – Meal Reimbursement” dataset for that sub-program available on the State of Texas Open Data Portal.
An overview of all CACFP data available on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found at our TDA Data Overview - Child and Adult Care Food Programs page.
An overview of all TDA Food and Nutrition data available on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found at our TDA Data Overview - Food and Nutrition Open Data page.
More information about accessing and working with TDA data on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found on the SquareMeals.org website on the TDA Food and Nutrition Open Data page.
About Dataset Updates
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Participants have 60 days to file monthly reimbursement claims. Dataset updates will occur daily until 90 days after the close of the program year. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will be updated at six months and one year from the close of program year before becoming archived. Archived datasets will remain published but will not be updated. Any data posted during the active program year is subject to change.
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Participants have 60 days to file monthly reimbursement claims. Dataset updates will occur daily until 90 days after the close of the program year. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will be updated at six months and one year from the close of program year before becoming archived. Archived datasets will remain published but will not be updated. Any data posted during the active program year is subject to change.
About the Agency
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP),and the summer meal programs. TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP),and the summer meal programs. TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
For more information on these programs, please visit our website.
April 3 2024
About the Dataset
This data set contains claims information for meal reimbursement for CACFP participating as Day Care Homes for program year 2021-2022. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
This data set contains claims information for meal reimbursement for CACFP participating as Day Care Homes for program year 2021-2022. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
In March 2020, USDA began allowing flexibility in nutrition assistance program policy to support continued meal access should the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) impact meal service operation. For more information on the waivers implemented for this purpose, please visit our website at SquareMeals.org.
This dataset only includes claims submitted by CACFP sites participating as Day Care Homes. Sites can participate in multiple CACFP sub-programs. For reimbursement data on CACFP participants operating as Day Care Homes, Child Care Centers, At-Risk Child Care Centers, Head Start Centers, emergency shelters, or centers providing care for students outside school hours, please refer to the corresponding “Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP) – Meal Reimbursement” dataset for that sub-program available on the State of Texas Open Data Portal.
An overview of all CACFP data available on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found at our TDA Data Overview - Child and Adult Care Food Programs page.
An overview of all TDA Food and Nutrition data available on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found at our TDA Data Overview - Food and Nutrition Open Data page.
More information about accessing and working with TDA data on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found on the SquareMeals.org website on the TDA Food and Nutrition Open Data page.
About Dataset Updates
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Participants have 60 days to file monthly reimbursement claims. Dataset updates will occur daily until 90 days after the close of the program year. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will be updated at six months and one year from the close of program year before becoming archived. Archived datasets will remain published but will not be updated. Any data posted during the active program year is subject to change.
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Participants have 60 days to file monthly reimbursement claims. Dataset updates will occur daily until 90 days after the close of the program year. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will be updated at six months and one year from the close of program year before becoming archived. Archived datasets will remain published but will not be updated. Any data posted during the active program year is subject to change.
About the Agency
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP),and the summer meal programs. TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP),and the summer meal programs. TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
For more information on these programs, please visit our website.
November 7 2023
About the Dataset
This data set contains claims information for meal reimbursement for CACFP participating as Day Care Homes for program year 2020-2021. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
This data set contains claims information for meal reimbursement for CACFP participating as Day Care Homes for program year 2020-2021. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
In March 2020, USDA began allowing flexibility in nutrition assistance program policy to support continued meal access should the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) impact meal service operation. For more information on the waivers implemented for this purpose, please visit our website at SquareMeals.org.
This dataset only includes claims submitted by CACFP sites participating as Day Care Homes. Sites can participate in multiple CACFP sub-programs. For reimbursement data on CACFP participants operating as Day Care Homes, Child Care Centers, At-Risk Child Care Centers, Head Start Centers, emergency shelters, or centers providing care for students outside school hours, please refer to the corresponding “Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP) – Meal Reimbursement” dataset for that sub-program available on the State of Texas Open Data Portal.
An overview of all CACFP data available on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found at our TDA Data Overview - Child and Adult Care Food Programs page.
An overview of all TDA Food and Nutrition data available on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found at our TDA Data Overview - Food and Nutrition Open Data page.
More information about accessing and working with TDA data on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found on the SquareMeals.org website on the TDA Food and Nutrition Open Data page.
About Dataset Updates
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Participants have 60 days to file monthly reimbursement claims. Dataset updates will occur monthly until 90 days after the close of the program year. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will be updated at six months and one year from the close of program year before becoming archived. Archived datasets will remain published but will not be updated. Any data posted during the active program year is subject to change.
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Participants have 60 days to file monthly reimbursement claims. Dataset updates will occur monthly until 90 days after the close of the program year. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will be updated at six months and one year from the close of program year before becoming archived. Archived datasets will remain published but will not be updated. Any data posted during the active program year is subject to change.
About the Agency
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP),and the summer meal programs. TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP),and the summer meal programs. TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
For more information on these programs, please visit our website.
May 15 2023
About the Dataset
This dataset contains contact and program participation information for Day Care Home (DCH) providers approved to operate under the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) during program year 202-2022. Contracting Entity (CE) sponsors can participate in more than one CACFP program. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
This dataset contains contact and program participation information for Day Care Home (DCH) providers approved to operate under the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) during program year 202-2022. Contracting Entity (CE) sponsors can participate in more than one CACFP program. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
In March 2020, USDA began allowing flexibility in nutrition assistance program policy to support continued meal access should the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) impact meal service operation. Sites participating in these flexibilities are indicated in the newly added COVID Meal Site column of this dataset. For more information on the waivers implemented for this purpose, please visit our website at SquareMeals.org.
This dataset only includes information for Texas Day Care Home providers participating in CACFP. For data on CEs and sites participating as Adult Day Care Centers (ADC), Child Care Centers (CCC), At-Risk Afterschool Centers (At-Risk), Head Start Centers, emergency shelters, and centers providing care for students outside school hours, please refer to the “Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP) – Centers – Contact and Program Participation” dataset, also on the State of Texas Open Data Portal.
An overview of all CACFP data available on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found at our TDA Data Overview - Child and Adult Care Food Programs page.
An overview of all TDA Food and Nutrition data available on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found at our TDA Data Overview - Food and Nutrition Open Data page.
More information about accessing and working with TDA data on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found on the SquareMeals.org website on the TDA Food and Nutrition Open Data page.
About Dataset Updates
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Updates will occur quarterly and end 90 days after the close of the program year. Any data posted during the active update period is subject to change. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will remain published but will no longer be updated.
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Updates will occur quarterly and end 90 days after the close of the program year. Any data posted during the active update period is subject to change. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will remain published but will no longer be updated.
About the Agency
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP), and summer meal programs. TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP), and summer meal programs. TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
For more information on these programs, please visit our SquareMeal.org website.
June 23 2023
About the Dataset
This dataset contains contact and program participation information for Day Care Home (DCH) providers approved to operate under the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) during program year 2020-2021. Contracting Entity (CE) sponsors can participate in more than one CACFP program. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
This dataset contains contact and program participation information for Day Care Home (DCH) providers approved to operate under the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) during program year 2020-2021. Contracting Entity (CE) sponsors can participate in more than one CACFP program. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
In March 2020, USDA began allowing flexibility in nutrition assistance program policy to support continued meal access should the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) impact meal service operation. Sites participating in these flexibilities are indicated in the newly added COVID Meal Site column of this dataset. For more information on the waivers implemented for this purpose, please visit our website at SquareMeals.org.
This dataset only includes information for Texas Day Care Home providers participating in CACFP. For data on CEs and sites participating as Adult Day Care Centers (ADC), Child Care Centers (CCC), At-Risk Afterschool Centers (At-Risk), Head Start Centers, emergency shelters, and centers providing care for students outside school hours, please refer to the “Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP) – Centers – Contact and Program Participation” dataset, also on the State of Texas Open Data Portal.
Dataset content and column order have been updated starting with program year 2018-2019 forward. Older program year datasets will retain original content and organization.
An overview of all CACFP data available on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found at our TDA Data Overview - Child and Adult Care Food Programs page.
An overview of all TDA Food and Nutrition data available on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found at our TDA Data Overview - Food and Nutrition Open Data page.
More information about accessing and working with TDA data on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found on the SquareMeals.org website on the TDA Food and Nutrition Open Data page.
About Dataset Updates
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Updates will occur quarterly and end 90 days after the close of the program year. Any data posted during the active update period is subject to change. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will remain published but will no longer be updated.
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Updates will occur quarterly and end 90 days after the close of the program year. Any data posted during the active update period is subject to change. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will remain published but will no longer be updated.
About the Agency
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP), and summer meal programs. TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP), and summer meal programs. TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
For more information on these programs, please visit our SquareMeal.org website.
November 21 2023
About the Agency
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
For more information on these programs, please visit our website.
About the Dataset
This data set contains claims information for meal reimbursement for CACFP participating as Day Care Homes for program year 2016-2017. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
This data set contains claims information for meal reimbursement for CACFP participating as Day Care Homes for program year 2016-2017. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
This dataset only includes claims submitted by CACFP sites participating as Day Care Homes. Sites can participate in multiple CACFP sub-programs. For reimbursement data on CACFP participants operating as Day Care Homes, Child Care Centers, At-Risk Child Care Centers, Head Start Centers, emergency shelters, or centers providing care for students outside school hours, please refer to the corresponding “Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP) – Meal Reimbursement” dataset for that sub-program available on the State of Texas Open Data Portal.
About Dataset Updates
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Participants have 60 days to file monthly reimbursement claims. Dataset updates will occur monthly until 90 days after the close of the program year. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will be updated at six months and one year from the close of program year before becoming archived. Archived datasets will remain published but will not be updated. Any data posted during the active program year is subject to change.
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Participants have 60 days to file monthly reimbursement claims. Dataset updates will occur monthly until 90 days after the close of the program year. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will be updated at six months and one year from the close of program year before becoming archived. Archived datasets will remain published but will not be updated. Any data posted during the active program year is subject to change.
May 15 2023
About the Dataset
This data set contains claims information for meal reimbursement for CACFP participating as Day Care Homes for program year 2018-2019. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
This data set contains claims information for meal reimbursement for CACFP participating as Day Care Homes for program year 2018-2019. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
This dataset only includes claims submitted by CACFP sites participating as Day Care Homes. Sites can participate in multiple CACFP sub-programs. For reimbursement data on CACFP participants operating as Day Care Homes, Child Care Centers, At-Risk Child Care Centers, Head Start Centers, emergency shelters, or centers providing care for students outside school hours, please refer to the corresponding “Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP) – Meal Reimbursement” dataset for that sub-program available on the State of Texas Open Data Portal.
An overview of all CACFP data available on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found at our TDA Data Overview - Child and Adult Care Food Programs page.
An overview of all TDA Food and Nutrition data available on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found at our TDA Data Overview - Food and Nutrition Open Data page.
More information about accessing and working with TDA data on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found on the SquareMeals.org website on the TDA Food and Nutrition Open Data page.
About Dataset Updates
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Participants have 60 days to file monthly reimbursement claims. Dataset updates will occur monthly until 90 days after the close of the program year. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will be updated at six months and one year from the close of program year before becoming archived. Archived datasets will remain published but will not be updated. Any data posted during the active program year is subject to change.
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Participants have 60 days to file monthly reimbursement claims. Dataset updates will occur monthly until 90 days after the close of the program year. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will be updated at six months and one year from the close of program year before becoming archived. Archived datasets will remain published but will not be updated. Any data posted during the active program year is subject to change.
About the Agency
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP),and the summer meal programs. TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP),and the summer meal programs. TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
For more information on these programs, please visit our website.
May 15 2023
About the Agency
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
For more information on these programs, please visit our website.
About the Dataset
This data set contains claims information for meal reimbursement for CACFP participating as Day Care Homes for program year 2015-2016. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
This data set contains claims information for meal reimbursement for CACFP participating as Day Care Homes for program year 2015-2016. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
This dataset only includes claims submitted by CACFP sites participating as Day Care Homes. Sites can participate in multiple CACFP sub-programs. For reimbursement data on CACFP participants operating as Day Care Homes, Child Care Centers, At-Risk Child Care Centers, Head Start Centers, emergency shelters, or centers providing care for students outside school hours, please refer to the corresponding “Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP) – Meal Reimbursement” dataset for that sub-program available on the State of Texas Open Data Portal.
About Dataset Updates
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Participants have 60 days to file monthly reimbursement claims. Dataset updates will occur monthly until 90 days after the close of the program year. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will be updated at six months and one year from the close of program year before becoming archived. Archived datasets will remain published but will not be updated. Any data posted during the active program year is subject to change.
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Participants have 60 days to file monthly reimbursement claims. Dataset updates will occur monthly until 90 days after the close of the program year. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will be updated at six months and one year from the close of program year before becoming archived. Archived datasets will remain published but will not be updated. Any data posted during the active program year is subject to change.
May 11 2023
About the Dataset
This dataset contains contact and program participation information for Day Care Home (DCH) providers approved to operate under the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) during program year 2019-2020. Contracting Entity (CE) sponsors can participate in more than one CACFP program. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
This dataset contains contact and program participation information for Day Care Home (DCH) providers approved to operate under the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) during program year 2019-2020. Contracting Entity (CE) sponsors can participate in more than one CACFP program. The CACFP program year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
In March 2020, USDA began allowing flexibility in nutrition assistance program policy to support continued meal access should the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) impact meal service operation. Sites participating in these flexibilities are indicated in the newly added COVID Meal Site column of this dataset. For more information on the waivers implemented for this purpose, please visit our website at SquareMeals.org.
This dataset only includes information for Texas Day Care Home providers participating in CACFP. For data on CEs and sites participating as Adult Day Care Centers (ADC), Child Care Centers (CCC), At-Risk Afterschool Centers (At-Risk), Head Start Centers, emergency shelters, and centers providing care for students outside school hours, please refer to the “Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP) – Centers – Contact and Program Participation” dataset, also on the State of Texas Open Data Portal.
Dataset content and column order have been updated starting with program year 2018-2019 forward. Older program year datasets will retain original content and organization.
An overview of all CACFP data available on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found at our TDA Data Overview - Child and Adult Care Food Programs page.
An overview of all TDA Food and Nutrition data available on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found at our TDA Data Overview - Food and Nutrition Open Data page.
More information about accessing and working with TDA data on the Texas Open Data Portal can be found on the SquareMeals.org website on the TDA Food and Nutrition Open Data page.
About Dataset Updates
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Updates will occur quarterly and end 90 days after the close of the program year. Any data posted during the active update period is subject to change. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will remain published but will no longer be updated.
TDA aims to post new program year data by December 15 of the active program year. Updates will occur quarterly and end 90 days after the close of the program year. Any data posted during the active update period is subject to change. After 90 days from the close of the program year, the dataset will remain published but will no longer be updated.
About the Agency
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP), and summer meal programs. TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
The Texas Department of Agriculture administers 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition programs in Texas including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP), and summer meal programs. TDA’s Food and Nutrition division provides technical assistance and training resources to partners operating the programs and oversees the USDA reimbursements they receive to cover part of the cost associated with serving food in their facilities. By working to ensure these partners serve nutritious meals and snacks, the division adheres to its mission — Feeding the Hungry and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
For more information on these programs, please visit our SquareMeal.org website.
administrator contact
child and adult care food programs
day care home
and 12 more
September 29 2023
Showing 1 to 10 of 16 results