2020 Biennial Performance Report

Advancing the Next Generation of Technology in Texas

Agency Highlights

Goal 1: Secure IT Service Delivery

State of Texas Government – COVID-19 Response – Continuity
The State of Texas was well-served by agency continuity plans that provide for minimal disruption to government operations and secure IT systems that Texans must rely on in a time of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic response for state government and the rapid transition to a remote workforce significantly increased the demand on infrastructure, hardware, and other mobile capabilities. State agencies throughout Texas deployed thousands of laptops, set up websites, and developed applications to meet the needs of Texans and share valuable information.
When key systems became overloaded due to unprecedented use or demand, agencies worked together to direct resources to quickly resolve the issue. Agencies worked to upgrade networks,  increase bandwidth, add redundancy, and, at times, reroute traffic to handle the large increase in demand. Because Texas government was prepared, government operations were able to  continue to provide Texans with timely  information, contact-free services, and  remote learning. 
Texas General Land Office (GLO) – Cloud Services Enhance Continuity Efforts 
GLO successfully migrated a mission- critical business application, which allows companies to report oil and gas production on state-owned land, from the agency's data center to a private cloud service to improve performance, resiliency, and business continuity. 
Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) – Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Program Rollout
DIR successfully implemented an MFA program for state agencies and institutions of higher education. With a wide range of capabilities, MFA is an effective security tool that provides strong access controls using single digital identity for Texans, state employees, and higher education users. In addition to reducing security risks and vulnerabilities, MFA ensures reliable and secure access to critical state agency and citizen information.

Goal 2: Advanced Data Management & Digital Services

Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA) – Business Intelligence Solution
CPA implemented an analytics solution for producing the Biennial Revenue Estimate for the State of Texas. This new solution replaced legacy  technologies and automated manual steps.
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) – Integrated Reporting Application
DFPS improved performance assessments of residential childcare provider contractors by implementing the Performance Assessment Compliance Evaluation System (PACES). The system has eliminated manual processes, reduced duplicative data entry, and increased data quality and integrity while offering process transparency through an integrated reporting mechanism. The deployment of this application positions DFPS to monitor performance on specific desired results and outcomes by conducting ongoing and continual oversight of the contractor’s performance using data. 
Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) and Department of State Health Services – Case Management Solution and Online Interactive Dashboards
HHSC Information Technology, on behalf of the Department of State Health Services (DSHS), implemented Texas Health Trace, a data management and self-service system that allows for a coordinated statewide approach to the COVID-19 disease response, while taking into consideration the varied needs of the public and all levels of public health entity disease intervention. Texas residents can use the platform to assess their current level of risk and determine if they are currently displaying the symptoms and co-factors which elevate their possibility of having COVID-19. The Texas Health Trace platform ensures that Texans continue to have access to government services and receive important information, such as an interactive map of COVID19 testing facilities, instructions for testing, and critical health and safety guidelines relating to the virus. Additionally, HHSC IT and DSHS developed interactive online COVID19 dashboards that include daily and cumulative cases, fatality data, estimated recoveries, statewide hospital data, and case demographics for confirmed cases. The interactive dashboards provide visual and compelling information to meet the public’s need for consistent, timely, and reliable information.

Goal 3: Agile & Automated IT Strategies

Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) – Cloud-Based Automated Chatbot
TWC worked in coordination with industry partners to implement “Larry,” a cloud-based automated virtual assistant or chatbot that appears on the TWC website and is based on a conversational artificial intelligence capability that uses natural language processing and Amazon Alexa to help the bot learn what the  users need and help them find answers. Making use of an artificial intelligence  solution has helped divert over  100,000 calls from call centers,  allowing TWC to meaningfully engage more Texans.
Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) – Mobile-First Digital Assistant
DIR established a mobile-first digital assistant (“Texas by Texas” or “TxT”) to give Texans the ability to create a single user account and profile, access a personalized dashboard with stored payment information and their transaction history, and establish notification preferences for alerts and reminders. By leveraging shared services, TxT enables agencies to integrate with the TxT digital assistant so that Texans can easily and securely take care of these services anytime, anywhere, and on any device without having to visit an agency office.
University of Texas Permian Basin (UTPB) – Open Source Software Application
UTPB implemented an open source Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) based service management platform. Utilizing the open source software application will help UTPB realize an annual savings of $31,800 in licensing fees.
Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) – Smart Intersection
The TTI research team designed, developed, and pilot-tested a Smart Intersection at Texas A&M University System’s RELLIS Campus. The system tracks buses as they approach an intersection and warns pedestrians and bicyclists that a bus is about to turn. By effectively using emerging technologies, TTI has enhanced safety by helping to reduce crashes involving pedestrians and bicyclists at signalized intersections.