2022 Biennial Performance Report

Accelerating the Next Generation of Technology in Texas

2022-2026 State Strategic Plan
Goal 2: Advanced Data Management

In the process of providing services to Texans, state agencies collect, create, and manage large amounts of data that must be diligently protected and guarded against misuse.
The 2022-2026 State Strategic Plan identifies four objectives to guide state agencies in developing a strong data governance program that balances privacy and security with information sharing and data analytics. Desired outcomes for agency alignment with the data management objectives below include data that is readily available for decision-making; high-value, publicly available data assets; strong data privacy practices and controls; mature data governance; broad data literacy; and meaningful data metrics to measure progress.


  1. Enhance data security and privacy with strong controls based on risk and legal requirements. 
  2. Foster a data-sharing culture where open data is readily available, enabling state leaders and the public to make data-driven decisions.
  3. Facilitate better decisions by adopting flexible analytics that provide leaders with business-oriented data.
  4. Strengthen data governance by implementing best practices, appointing dedicated data management staff, and maturing data management programs.


The 87th Legislature acknowledged the need to accelerate data security, sharing, and transparency by passing legislation that established a data management advisory committee and requires state agencies with 150 or more full-time employees to designate a data management officer.
Agency data management officers are responsible for establishing a data governance program for their agency, coordinating with the state’s Chief Data Officer and key agency personnel, and posting at least three high-value data sets on the Texas Open Data Portal. As of July 15, 2022, DIR’s Office of the Chief Data Officer reports that 59% of the 107 state agencies required to appoint a data management officer have done so.
Data distributed over many departments can make implementing strong data governance and best practices challenging. Yet strong data governance is vital for helping state agency employees understand how to use, share, manage, and dispose of data properly.
Most agencies reported they have or are planning to have a data governance structure and a data management program that oversees the data life cycle including the collection, classification, use, and disposal of agency data. 
Open data in government is important for public access, oversight, and trust. It can reduce fraud, waste, and abuse while increasing transparency. Open data also gives Texans access to public information without needing to formally request information from a governmental body under the Texas Public Information Act.
State agencies can foster a data-sharing culture by making open data easy to find and access on their website or through the Texas Open Data Portal at www.data.texas.gov.
A strong data analytics program can transform how an agency does business by providing insight for agency decision-makers into processes and operations. Agencies responding to the IRDR indicated that they are making progress, with 58% of agencies reporting they have business intelligence or analytics capabilities in 2022. This is up slightly from 56% in 2020.


State agencies understand the value and importance of strong data governance. Yet, agencies reported that competing priorities and a lack of dedicated or qualified personnel continue as significant barriers in implementing a data management and governance program.

Agencies need a data-literate workforce that manages data throughout its entire lifecycle to identify and protect confidential and sensitive data. Data classification is essential to applying the proper controls. In Texas, state agencies are required to establish an information classification policy. This policy must follow the minimum standards established by federal and state law. Agencies reported little progress in data classification maturity since 2020 with only five percent of agencies indicating they consistently classified and managed data by classification and criticality.
Understanding the maturity of data governance helps agencies move toward data-driven policy goals. Of the agencies responding to the IRDR:
Over the next biennium, there will likely be improvements as state agencies implement Senate Bill 475 and designate a data management officer that oversees the agency’s data governance and management.


The 87th Legislature supported advanced data management efforts by passing comprehensive data security and management legislation that strengthens the state’s standards on agencies’ data management practices.
For the next biennium, DIR recommends the following action to further advance data management practices at Texas state agencies.
Establish a statewide Chief Privacy Officer to provide a central point of contact on data privacy matters.