In an era of tight budgets and widespread cynicism, it’s imperative to let taxpayers know what’s being done — and spent — in their names. For more than a decade, the Comptroller’s office has been a leader in the drive toward greater government transparency.
Glenn Hegar  Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

 Find all Comptroller data here
More information and visualizations of selected Comptroller data:
This file contains data about taxpayers who pay mixed beverage gross receipts tax. The information in the file includes the amounts of monthly gross receipts reported for beer, wine, liquor, and total receipts at each taxpayer’s location.
This file contains data about all permitted sales tax locations, with totals by city, county and NAICs code. It also shows changes in the number of permits over time and the number of permit holders in states other than Texas. 
This file contains data about all active agriculture and timber exemption registrations. The information includes the taxpayer name, the location provided by the taxpayer and the issue and expiration date.