Texas Bond Review Board
State Debt Outstanding
This data set includes debt outstanding for all State of Texas Issuers, including conduit borrowers, on an annual basis.
You can use this data set to search criteria such as current interest bonds, capital appreciation bonds, variable rate bonds, and tuition revenue bonds.
Local Debt Outstanding
These data sets contain debt outstanding for local government issuers, including cities, community college districts, counties, hospital districts, independent school districts, other special districts and water districts.
You can also search criteria such as current interest bonds, capital appreciation bonds, variable rate bonds.
Data Sets
State Debt Issuance Data
These data sets can be used to look up information such as: issuance par, purpose, fees, ratings, bond insurance, and underwriter information.
Data Sets
Local Debt Issuance Data
These data sets can be used to look up information such as: issuance par, purpose, fees, ratings, bond insurance, and underwriter information.
Data Sets
Election Results
This data set contains election data for local government Issuers, including cities, community college districts, counties, hospital districts, independent school districts, other special districts and water districts. The election information includes bond amount, bond purpose, proposition number, election votes and election results.