2022 Biennial Performance Report
Accelerating the Next Generation of Technology in Texas
Letter from the Executive Director
Governor Abbott, Members of the Legislature, and Texas IT Leaders,
In an ever-changing technology landscape, the State of Texas is at the forefront of
bringing the next generation of technology to its state agencies and Texas residents.
More than ever before, the importance of technology and the people who enable it
are critical to the state’s mission. State agencies must be prepared to evolve with
the changing needs of Texans and proactively plan for and invest in technology that
transforms how Texas government serves Texans.
The Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) is pleased to present the 2022
Biennial Performance Report (BPR) on the use of information resources technologies
by state government. DIR produces the BPR to report agencies’ progress toward the
four strategic technology goals defined in the 2022-2026 State Strategic Plan for
Information Resources Management. The report also shares agency success stories,
highlighting technology accomplishments that align with these goals.
- Goal 1: Secure IT Service Delivery
- Goal 2: Advanced Data Management
- Goal 3: Strategic Digital Transformation
- Goal 4: Proactive Approach to Emerging Technologies
Over the past biennium, Texas government exhibited significant progress in
delivering secure, innovative technology that makes government more efficient,
effective, transparent, and accountable. Texas agencies are planning for and
implementing solutions that modernize Texas government services. To facilitate
these efforts, this report includes recommendations for legislative considerations
to help state agencies prepare for the next generation of technology in Texas.
Through collaboration with agency technology leaders and with the support of
the legislature, the State of Texas will continue to be a national leader in delivering
a secure, digital government through well-designed, innovative, and efficient
technology solutions.
Amanda Crawford
Executive Director, Texas Department of Information Resources
Chief Information Officer, State of Texas