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School Nutrition Programs Data

The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) has made Food and Nutrition (F & N) data publicly available through the Texas Open Data Portal.
School Nutrition Programs (SNP) are federally assisted meal programs that serve nutritious, low-cost or free meals and snacks to students in public and charter schools, private non-profit schools, and residential child care institutions in Texas.  School Nutrition Programs include the National School Lunch Program (NSLP)School Breakfast Program (SBP), Afterschool Care Program (ASCP), Special Milk Program, and the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP).
Data is updated regularly during the active program year. Updates to data end six months after the close of the program period and data remains published as historical, archived data. 
The School Nutrition Program program year (PY) runs July 1 of one calendar year through June 30 of the next calendar year.
Program Terminology:
  • CE - Contracting Entity (CE); business that enters into a contract with TDA to administer the program on behalf of one or more meal sites.  Also known as program sponsor.
  • Site - Individual organization or business that provides the location and/or resources for meal service.
  • Claim - Record of meals served submitted to TDA for reimbursement of meal costs.
For more information, please visit us at SquareMeals.org.  

Data Available on School Nutrition Programs

Raw Data
  • Contacts and Program Participation - Reported at the site level, includes data from the last approved CE and site applications.
  • Meals Served and Reimbursed - Reported at the site level for each month of meal service, includes data from the last approved claim for meal reimbursement. CEs have up to 60 days from the last day meals were served to submit a claim.
  • Food Service Management Company Contracts - Reported at the CE level, includes contact information for each CE participating in a school nutrition programs during program year and information on Food Service Management Company (FSMC) they may contract with. 
  • USDA Food Entitlements - Reported at the CE level, includes SNP entitlement amounts and use for the program year. 
Data Summaries
  • Program Metrics  - Derived from raw Contacts and Meals datasets, the most current count of approved CEs, sites, and meals served for program year.
  • Sponsor lists - Derived from raw Contacts datasets, the Sponsor List provides a contact information for CEs approved to operate for the current program year. 
  • Current Site Map - Derived from raw Contacts datasets, the site map provides a visualization of mappable meal site coverage for the state of Texas for the current program year. 
  • Participation Dashboards - Derived from raw Contacts and Meals datasets, dashboards provide visual representations of program performance data, including total CEs and sites approved to participate and total meals and snacks served. Meals data can be filtered and exported from dashboard visualizations.

Raw Datasets

Between March 2020 and June 2022, USDA allowed flexibility in nutrition assistance program policies to support continued meal access during the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). This included offering School Nutrition Program CEs the option to provide meals through Seamless Summer Option (SSO) or Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) during the school year. Sites participating in these flexibilities are noted in the raw datasets for affected program years. School meals served through SSO or SFSP are reported in the summer meal program datasets.

For more information please visit our website at SquareMeals.org

Data Summaries

2024-2025 School Nutrition Program Sponsor List

Use the table to the right to find current contact information for CEs sponsoring School Nutrition Program (SNP) sites. The list can be filtered and exported as an Excel-compatible file (csv).
This list pulls from the most recent SNP Contacts and Participation dataset published on the Texas Open Data Portal.
All CEs approved to operate for the program year are listed. Use Termination filter (blank/no value) to find CEs that have not terminated participation after initial approval. 

2023-2024 School Nutrition Program Sponsor List

Use the table to the right to find current contact information for CEs sponsoring School Nutrition Program (SNP) sites. The list can be filtered and exported as an Excel-compatible file (csv).
This list pulls from the most recent SNP Contacts and Participation dataset published on the Texas Open Data Portal.
All CEs approved to operate for the program year are listed. Use Termination filter (blank/no value) to find CEs that have not terminated participation after initial approval. 

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