2022 Biennial Performance Report
Accelerating the Next Generation of Technology in Texas
2022-2026 State Strategic Plan
Goal 3: Strategic Digital Transformation
Most Texans are accustomed to shopping, banking, and paying bills online and expect
the same streamlined experience from government agencies. State agencies must take a
strategic approach to digitally transform how Texas government delivers value to Texans.
The 2022-2026 State Strategic Plan identifies four objectives to help guide state agency
efforts toward a strategic approach for the adoption of digital technologies. Desired
outcomes for agency alignment with the digital transformation objectives below
include increased digital capabilities; digital strategies focused on improving business
outcomes; organizational cultures that embrace digital transformation; and meaningful
metrics that measure maturity and drive progress throughout the digital journey.
- Develop a vision and strategic road map that reimagines how Texas government delivers services.
- Understand what Texans need and expect from their government, so that state IT leaders can procure and implement human-centered applications.
- Conduct a collaborative review of agency goals, business processes, and technology to understand the current level of digital maturity.
- Promote mobile-first digital experiences that allow Texans to seamlessly access all government services.
Lasting transformation requires the integration of the right technology with people,
processes, and tools to fundamentally change how the public sector operates. In recent
years, Texans have had access to more digital government services. State agencies
responding to the IRDR reported increased digital maturity, with 57% reporting their
2022 digital transformation status as repeatable, defined, or controlled and optimized,
up from 51% in 2020.
The initial stages of digital transformation maturity may be reactive, IT-centric, and
government-focused. The initial stages represent foundational elements of a state
agency’s effort toward government efficiency and include activities like providing paperless
or paper-on-request processes. At this point, most Texas agencies are partially paperless.
More state agencies responding to the IRDR reported they stream audio or video of board meetings on the internet than ever before. Also, more than half of these agencies indicate they plan to allow board members to participate virtually in board meetings during the next biennium.
This not only allows for broader geographic representation by potential board members, but also saves taxpayer money by reducing travel costs for current board members.
Moreover, state agencies reported significant progress on several fronts including using
PC-based conferencing tools, accepting online forms and payments, and incorporating
responsive design that provides improved customer experience on mobile devices.
Demonstrating that new digital capabilities are worth the investment can be challenging,
especially when contrasted with competing priorities. Entrenched organizational culture and
resistance to change can be stumbling blocks to digital transition. Likewise, stakeholders with
different expectations and business functions that operate in silos pose challenges to creating
high-quality digital government. Overcoming these obstacles requires a keen understanding
of organizational readiness and willingness to embrace change.
When asked to characterize their organization’s ability to embrace digital transformation,
most state agencies responded that they are in the early stages of development.
A digital transformation strategy must consider the impact change has on customers,
employees, partners, and other stakeholders. When managed properly, employees may
perceive it as an enhancement to their contributions, rather than a replacement. It is
essential that a change management plan includes employees’ perspectives and provides
accurate information about transition in a positive way.
It is critical that the public sector provide access to government services and transactions
through well-designed native mobile applications similar to those made available by
private companies. State agencies should also consider investing in broadband expansion
and next generation cellular technology (5G).
Although agencies are much more familiar with native mobile application development
than they were two years ago, 71% reported that they are not planning any native mobile
application development at this time.
As the technology agency for the state, DIR has worked over the last biennium to
develop a native mobile application that allows the public to access key government
services. In 2022, DIR, in collaboration with other agencies, launched Texas by Texas (TxT),
a native mobile application available through both the Apple and Google Play stores.
Through TxT, Texans may create a single and secure online account that allows them to
manage many of their government licenses and registrations issued by different agencies,
receive proactive reminders for renewal or registration, and complete other government
transactions quickly and securely.
The 87th Legislature advanced efforts to transform and streamline Texans’ experience
with government by passing legislation to ensure that future native mobile applications
did not duplicate efforts already made through Texas.gov. This avoids inefficiencies and
ensures a unified, uniform, secure customer experience by prohibiting state agencies
from developing agency-specific native mobile applications that duplicate a functionality
of Texas.gov, including TxT, unless DIR grants an exemption.
For the next biennium, DIR recommends the following actions to help state agencies
advance digital transformation efforts throughout the state.